My semester abroad in Galway is so far absolutely amazing! I tried to come into this with as little preconceptions or expectations as possible so I could fully enjoy every experience as they come, and this has been nothing like anything I could have imagined. It almost felt like the second we stepped off the plane we were thrown into Irish culture- music, food, pubs… After a hectic first few days Galway really started to feel like home. The biggest (and probably the best) part of this whole experience so far has been how quickly a group of almost strangers have become such close knit friends… the people really do make the place!
The Irish people, professors, and students, as well as other international students, have been beyond welcoming. People are overall more friendly here, and the school has gone out of its way to make us feel apart of their community. Students immediately introduced themselves to us, made group chats for us to ask them questions, and invited us to go out with them outside of class. They seem just as interested in American life as we are in Irish life. The classes are very different, with one class meeting almost every day of the week and sometimes for more than one session in a day. Nursing classes are only 6 weeks here, so the nursing students can do intensive clinical for the next 6 weeks. Even with a crazy schedule, we have plenty of extra time to take weekend trips outside of Galway, or just relax and grab coffee between classes. It was an adjustment but we settled in pretty quickly.
I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here in Galway, and have never loved an experience more than I’m loving this so far. I cannot believe how fast time is going but I am so excited to soak up the rest of my time here in Galway!