See what Nicole has to say about her Spring CYA semester in Athens, Greece!
Studying abroad in Athens, Greece with College Year in Athens (CYA) this past spring was one of the best decisions I have ever made! I have always dreamt of going abroad, and with the help of Global Fairfield and CYA, my dreams came true. CYA provided me with so many amazing opportunities, including the field studies that allowed us to explore different parts of Greece. We took trips to the Peloponnese, Northern Greece, and Crete. Each was accompanied by lectures that taught us about all the sites we were seeing. They were also a great way to connect with my fellow CYAers. professors and staff. The CYA staff would often take us to various locations that were popular amongst the locals as well. I personally loved these field studies because I would never have been able to see those parts of Greece and understand their history without CYA guiding us! It is so awesome being able to learn about a different culture both in the classroom and out, and to really get to know where I was living.

Besides the field studies, my courses were also really interesting and taught me so much. My favorite courses were called Europe Today- Winter is Coming and Borders, Boundaries, and Human Mobility. Thanks to CYA’s partnership with Global Fairfield and the Center for Social Impact I was able to focus on my humanitarian action minor while in Athens and these classes really allowed me to dive deep into migration in Europe. The classes at CYA are quite specific which allows us to go really in-depth into concepts and topics, allowing us to really gain a deeper understanding of the material.
While studying with CYA, I also had the opportunity to participate in an internship with a local nonprofit called the Network for Children’s Rights (NCR). Network for Children’s Rights focuses on raising awareness for children’s rights and works to make sure those rights are ensured for all children and unaccompanied minors in Athens through their various programs and services. The people I met while working at NCR were so welcoming and kind. It was so nice to be able to learn about Greece and the Greek culture from my team members. I have learned so much from them and this experience and I know that the work I completed, the knowledge I gained, and the individuals I connected with will be an amazing asset for me as I work to find jobs in the future.

Besides the amazing academic and professional growth that came from studying with CYA, I also had a lot of personal growth. I never thought that I would be able to spend four months away from my family in a foreign country, and the weeks leading up to my flight to Athens were a little nerve-wracking because I am quite a homebody. However, once I stepped foot in Athens and got to CYA, everything fell into place, and I felt at home. While abroad I stepped out of my comfort zone and became much more independent and confident. I genuinely believe that I came home a better version of myself and not only learned more about myself but also made memories that I will cherish forever. My time abroad was some of the best four months of my life and I am forever grateful for all of the amazing opportunities I had and all the amazing people I met. I had the best roommates and made friendships that will last a lifetime! I was able to explore places across Europe and Greece that I always dreamed of exploring and live out my dream of living in Greece! I could go on and on about my time in Greece, every part of my trip was just as memorable and special as the next, making it truly an overall amazing experience.