Pizza Napoli 1955

Tagliatelle with Walnut Sauce from Trattoria Zaza

Pear Ravioli from 4 Leoni

Pumpkin Pasta from Acqua al 2

Gusta Pizza
Florence Food
Top 5 Restaurants to try in Florence, Italy provided by Sam Roland
Acqua al 2
"They're awesome because they do pasta salad, or steak samplers chosen by the chef so you get to try a bunch of different unique dishes."
Link to website: Click Here
Trattoria Zaza
"Tagliatelle with walnut sauce from Trattoria Zaza is 100% my favorite meal I had in Florence."
Link to website: Click Here
Pizza Napoli 1955
"Amazing pizza with a super cute heart shape."
Link to Instagram: Click Here
4 Leoni
"You have to try their famous pear ravioli."
Link to website: Click Here
Gusta Pizza
"The Best Pizza in Florence."
Link to Instagram: Click Here